Fundamental Rules of Web Marketing

fundamental rules of web marketing include being memorable.

Marketing is about connecting to your audience and getting them to respond, either now or in the future. Making a good impression helps build a relationship with your audience. And its the relationship that build clients.


Once a website is built and launched there is still a lot of work to do. I've create a list of some the fundamental rules of web marketing. I listed six important areas to consider and 5 rules listed for each area.

5 RULES to creating a dynamic Website

  1. Dynamic design, content, and branding can make you memorable.
  2. Have a WordPress website built with easy click and edit front-end editing.
  3. Create useful content for your target audience.
  4. Provide a clear Call to Action (CTA).
  5. Research keywords for your content and use them for good organic SEO (search engine optimization).

5 RULES for getting to the top with Organic Search Engine Optimization

  1. Start with understanding your target audience and what keywords they are using for organic search.
  2. Research other organizations and businesses and see what keywords are working for them.
  3. Create useful content and optimize it with Yoast SEO tools.
  4. Use Google Analytics to see where your audience is going and what they are interested in.
  5. Use links effectively. Internal links within the website and external links going to relevant content and coming back into your website.

5 RULES of a successful Blog

  1. Have a documented strategy and goals.
  2. Speak to your reader.
  3. Use visuals that help illustrate your content, inspire, and connect.
  4. Link to trustworthy sources.
  5. Push your blog content out to your social media channels and to your e-newsletter.

5 RULES for optimizing your Social Media

  1. Build brand visibility & authority, focusing on the platform that works best for your business or organization.
  2. Use an editorial calendar like Buffer or Hootsuite that lets you schedule content delivery in advance.
  3. Create shareable content.
  4. Engage your participants.
  5. Get participants engaged with your website and track results.

5 RULES of successful Email Marketing

  1. Timing & Frequency, be consistent in your delivery.
  2. The subject line is the most important line of copy.
  3. Send content & visuals that are valuable to your readers.
  4. Use a mobile friendly template.
  5. Personalize your emails. People like to see their name.

5 RULES of successful Pay Per Click Marketing

  1. Keyword Selection is critical to Google PPC.
  2. Facebook lets you target by demographics.
  3. Make it interesting.
  4. Create landing pages on your website to drive traffic with a CTA.
  5. Analyze the results using Google Analytics.


I hope this list of fundamental rules of web marketing help you think about your own marketing practices. The best place to start is with your own site and make sure you are doing a good job with optimizing your site for the search engines. Moz is a great resource. Also check out this review of Yoast SEO Tools by Elegant Themes.

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