Updates at Halagan Design 2017-2018

We Don't Stand Still


2017 was a year of adding new clients and new systems at Halagan Design. As websites evolve and the web expands our focus continues to be on Organic Web Marketing. This suits a lot our client base and produces the best value and brand exposure based on limited marketing resources. Marketing expenses need to be thought of as an investment in your business and U.S. Small Business Administration recommends spending 7 to 8 percent of your gross revenue. That being said a lot of small businesses find they don't have the time or the means to continually put resources into marketing. Our goal is to maximize the resources available.
Following are some of what we've been working on.

12 Point Online Marketing Analysis

I've been working on a way of reviewing businesses online to find their strengths and weaknesses. The 12 Point Online Marketing Analysis a review of website performance, design, SEO ratings, competitor comparisons, Google search listings, keyword ranking, social media optimization, call to action. The review includes a recommendation list. I also offer a follow up 90 minute consulting session to help you road map your online marketing for the following year. This session can be in person or by phone and will provide clear steps to improve your Organic Marketing. If you're interested, sign up today for a 12 Point Marketing Analysis.

Our New Maintenance and Hosting Contract

WordPress websites are created through the WordPress framework which is an open source software. WordPress is constantly evolving (more about that later). As it evolves all of the plugins that add functionality to your site need to be updated to stay secure and compatible. Websites that aren't maintained can be compromised with malware and/or break. We've approached this challenge from 3 directions.

First we've started offering secure web hosting on our Managed Virtual Private Server which provides a very fast and controlled security environment. We control what is on the server. Our hosting takes care of all security issues. Sites are continuously scanned for malware and any issues are taken care of as part of our contract. The hosting also includes 30 days of one click restore, free SSL, and support.

Next we've adopted a management service that continually scans our clients site and makes updates to our client sites as needed. Sites are scanned daily and we receive a report that details what changes have been made.

Back-up We provide archive backups of our client site which are stored on Amazon S3 Server. These back-ups allow client to restore their site from a range of backups.

Hosting and maintenance is offered to existing clients and new clients. Click for more information and see how our service can save you money.

Pagebuilder for WordPress

Two years ago Halagan Design switched over to a new way of building WordPress websites. In recent years Beaver Builder along with several other page builders plugin's came on the scene. We waited before jumping into the mix. We started out with DIVI theme in 2015, but our heart was won over with Beaver Builder. Halagan Design has always put design first when building websites. Beaver Builder has made designing complex mobile friendly sites much easier. With drag and drop panels that can be layed-out on the front end of the site, better designs, and easier updates let us focus more on marketing and less on coding. Interested in a demonstration of how the page builder in action. Check out the Beaver Builders Demo.

If your looking for help with marketing online contact us for a
free 12 point marketing analysis.